SummaryThe Vision G2 AutoPlus System was a very important addition to Teledyne Hanson’s line of dissolution testers. Vision AutoPlus autosamplers allow users to collect samples automatically from a dissolution system during a test at predefined time intervals plus the addition of stabilizers and dilutions. Precise and consistent sample collection is required; therefore, replacing dissolution medium with fresh media is very important to obtain accurate test data. With recent advancements in technology and increased regulatory requirements in mind, Teledyne Hanson offers an upgrade from standard 5 mL syringes to 10 mL syringes. This upgrade was perfected in our engineering and analytical laboratory through a process of rigorous testing and evaluation to drive added value to our customers. The accuracy of the volume collected during an autosampling procedure while a surfactant was used in the dissolution medium was evaluated with the 10 mL syringes.
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